
We care about your privacy and will make sure your information will only be used for the delivery of the files. We don’t sell information or make them public.

If you want us to delete your information you can always get in touch with us at

We do offer a mailing list to keep you posted about our future plans and releases. We will only add you to our list if you agree to add you to our list. If you are on the list you always have the option to remove yourself from the list. We use Mailchimp and in the bottom of every newsletter the option to unsubscribe is added.


We only offer digital releases so we don’t ship anything to your house. So we don’t need your address just your correct email. The files will be sent to you immediately after purchase.

If don’t receive the files please get in touch with us at

We sometime are part of markets where you can meet us and buy releases. Also we are always open for meetups in the Leiden area. Just get in touch 🙂

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